2016 Gala Information

Published: November 2, 2016


The 2016 Imagine the Possibilities Gala is just a couple of days away! We know that Friday’s event will be the best one yet. Please share the information below with your guests.

A few details to note:

  • Dress is cocktail attire.
  • Be mindful of Friday night traffic, especially since the Seaport District can be heavily congested. The VIP Reception starts at 5PM and the Cocktail Reception starts at 6PM.
  • Directions to the Seaport Hotel and Parking in the Seaport Garage. You will receive a discounted rate by pre-paying (cash only) at registration.
  • There are no tickets for this event, instead check in at Registration in the Mezzanine Lobby for table assignments & bid numbers.
  • The Silent Auction Viewing Room is also on the Mezzanine Level.
  • Mobile Bidding We are thrilled to use Mobile Bidding technology for this year’s auction. Bring your phones fully charged! Have you provided your mobile phone number yet? If not, please expedite registration check-in by emailing yours and your guests’ mobile phone numbers to Paula Vrattos at pvrattos@bridgewell.org.
  • Preview the live auction and silent auction.

Questions? Contact Nikki Kachinski at 339-883-2120 or nkachinski@bridgewell.org.

Thank you again for your support – it’s going to be a great night!

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