Published: April 30, 2020
Categories: Covid-19 Updates, News, Phone Messages
Hello Bridgewell Parents & Guardians. I am Christopher Tuttle President & CEO and today is Thursday, April 30.
Over the last two weeks, the DDS Fallon mobile testing unit has been to about a third of our programs, testing both staff and individuals. While results have been coming in on an ongoing basis, we received large batches of test results this week. With an increase in test results, there was an increase in positive cases.
We currently have 42 staff and 25 people in our services who are actively positive. To put the numbers in perspective, we have 750 front line staff currently working and 600 people we are caring for. Many of the people whose tests were positive are asymptomatic and not experiencing any symptoms so far. While it’s hard to see the numbers increase, it’s important that people are proactively tested in order to provide the best care.
There are a number of people who will be ending their 14 day quarantine over the next couple of days so this number remains in flux. We continue to be very vigilant in our hygiene and cleaning efforts.
The next recording will be posted on Monday, May 4th by noon. As always, be well and be safe.