Celebration of Success

Published: October 30, 2019

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Yesterday, President & CEO Chris Tuttle was at the State House to cheer on Pride’s Deli, a partner in Bridgewell’s Employment Support program. The Massachusetts Regional Employment Collaboratives hosted the inaugural Celebration of Success, to recognize partners, sponsors and employees who have demonstrated commitment to supporting people with disabilities through employment and training efforts. Pride’s Deli of Beverly was one of 17 across the state who were recognized as a top employer. Congratulations to Michael Magner and Victoria Baker of Pride’s Deli. Thanks for all you do!

The Massachusetts Regional Employment Collaboratives are partnerships of state agencies, employers, workforce development organizations, and employment service providers. The Collaboratives work across these groups with the common goal of increasing employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities and are facilitated by Riverside Community Care and the Institute for Community Inclusion. The Collaboratives are funded by the Department of Developmental Services and the Department of Mental Health.


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