Community Engagement: Bridgewell Recreation Program

Published: April 18, 2024


Bridgewell values the safety and wellness of people in our care. Thanks to Bridgewell’s Recreation Program, our staff have been able to incorporate those values into our community through fun and engaging events. Bridgewell’s recreation team plans and scheduled outings and fun events at a Bridgewell day program or out in the community on a weekly basis. Whether it’s a meetup for coffee, arts and crafts, bowling or a special event at a local organization, Bridgewell’s recreation calendar has lots of opportunities to mingle, make friends and build social connections!

Recreation Manager Amy Saunders has been an employee of Bridgewell for 15 years. We recently sat down with Amy to talk about some exciting updates the department has coming up.

“We plan and host fun events that meet different abilities and interests. If you can make someone’s day fun, that is all that counts.”– Amy Saunders, Recreation Manager


Bridgewell’s Recreation Department also manages the organization’s Special Olympics Track and Field Team, and they are currently looking for volunteers to help with duties at the event such as coaching, assisting with practices, or spending 1-on-1 time with the athletes. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Amy Saunders directly at

While recreation can be fun, these activities help fulfill Bridgewell’s mission. At Bridgewell, we not only value the success of the people we serve but also our wonderful staff. Saunders told us that she is grateful for Bridgewell’s support, and it has helped her learn more about how she works as a manager, especially when coordinating her arts and crafts program at Bridgewell’s Roseway Day Program. The Recreation Program at Bridgewell strives to find useful tools and tactics to ensure a safe environment for the people we serve.

Bridgewell’s Recreation Department also oversees Bridgewell’s self advocates group. Bridgewell self advocates educate and energize people about self-advocacy. The group, which dwindled down during the pandemic, and is now ramping up again, meeting to discuss current topics influencing the lives of their peers with disabilities.

Bridgewell’s recreation team feels optimistic about where the program is going. The intent is for recreational programming to expand with more people in the Bridgewell community becoming engaged and active in programming! Simply put, it will only get bigger with more offerings for participants.


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