Emergency Preparedness Month

Published: October 8, 2015


This past September was National Emergency Preparedness Month.  Across the nation, local and state emergency management and preparedness agencies, as well as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), drew attention to valuable hints, tips and best practices to keep people safe in the event of an emergency.  On the heels of this nation-wide campaign, Bridgewell enters its own Emergency Preparedness Month in October.

As you follow along with the Annual Safety Training Calendar, you will notice it is time to review the Emergency Procedures Test, and conduct the Emergency Drill Training.  This is also a great opportunity to make sure your program has of the three required kits-Biohazard Response Pail, First Aid Kit and the Emergency/Disaster Kit-designed to assist during a time of emergency.

Having all three of these well stocked and readily available can save valuable minutes in the event that disaster strikes.  Information on the content of these kits, and how to obtain those contents, can be found on Bridgewell’s Employee Intranet.

As we continue on through hurricane season, looking ahead toward what is expected to be another intense winter, please remember to make emergency preparedness a real part of your every day conversation.  Awareness is the first step toward being prepared.

This post is part of the ‘Safety Matters’ series – an effort to increase employee engagement in Safety Practices at Bridgewell.

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