Kayem Foundation Tours the Kelly J. Martin Center

Published: June 17, 2019


Earlier this month, Tricia Williams and Patrick Monkiewicz from the Kayem Foundation toured Bridgewell’s Kelly J. Martin Center to see and experience the recently completed sensory room, which the foundation funded with a $25,000 grant. Day Services Supervisor Lizabeth Dollard, Program Director Betsy Stockwell and President & CEO Christopher Tuttle led the tour.

Bridgewell’s sensory room serves as a therapeutic space that facilitates the learning and practice of self-modulation and stress management skills. The room offers users the opportunity for self-discovery and meaningful therapeutic activities through touch, sound, vibrations, color and light.

This has proven to be effective in improving concentration, eye-hand coordination and motor functions for people with developmental disabilities, dementia, autism or other conditions. In times of crisis or potential crisis, the sensory room is a comforting space for de-escalation and prevention where people learn safer and healthier ways to regain self-control.

Additionally, funds were used to create a memory tree to display at the program. The memory tree will honor the lives of program participants who have passed on, including Thomas Monkiewicz, a relative of the family.

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