March 31 – Phone Script from CEO

Published: March 31, 2020

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Hello Bridgewell Parents & Guardians.

I am Chris Tuttle President & CEO and today is Tuesday, March 31. 

Bridgewell’s Day Habilitation and Employment Support Programs are closed until May 4. The no visitation policy at our programs is in place until May 4. These measures follow Governor Baker’s orders and are to keep everyone safe. 

The people in Bridgewell’s residential programs have settled into a nice routine over the last two weeksThe staff have been providing activities to keep everyone engaged such as art projects, gardening and music therapy 

For those persons served who live elsewhereour nurses or day staff have reached out to see how everyone is doing.  

Bridgewell’s Family Support Center has daily, virtual programming that is available to everyone such as art, fitness and talent shows. There’s caregiver programming to provide support and a way to recharge. More information is available at 

I’m happy to report that we do not have anyone in our services who has tested positive. We remain very vigilant in our efforts to keep the programs clean and your loved ones safe. 

We also know it’s likely that someone will test positive, given the wide community spread. We have contingency plans in place should the need arise and anyone directly impacted will be contacted. So please consider no news good news. 

The next recording will be posted at 339-883-2201 on Thursday, April 2 by noon. 

Until then, please be well and know that we are taking good care of your loved ones. 

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