Safe Living Expo 2019

Published: July 29, 2019


In June, over 100 employees and people in our care attended Bridgewell’s annual Safe Living Expo. Attendees were able to participate in hands on activities on a number of topics.

At the skin safety table a representative of Cigna was present with a Dermascan machine where attendees where able to take a closer look at their skin.  Waltham Pest Control was another vendor present and talked about bed bugs. Participants could get hands on experience and practice using an AED, safe shoveling techniques and removing gloves. Other topics at the expo included internet safety, food safety and van safety.

A big shout out to all the volunteers for helping and spreading their Safety Knowledge!

Melissa Greenwood, Dianna August, Gabriella Paula, Victoria Melanson, Gary LaPierre, Sarah Myers, Michael Cotter, Jess Crowley, Chandler Barnes, Molli Marshal, Emily Whittier-Duran, Betsy Stockwell, April Belis, Edward Wallace, Phally Ty-Ron, Kristen Janjar, Judith Doherty, Paul Dolan, Erica Forte, Dawn O’Neil, Renee Wing, Hannah Gawrys

Thank you to the Safety Committee for their planning and hard work on such a great event!

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