Stocker Street Open House

Published: December 1, 2011


Early this fall, Bridgewell held an open house at its new Saugus home on Stocker Street. Despite being a rainy day, there was a great crowd of neighbors, friends, family, Bridgewell and Department of Developmental Services (DDS) staff!

Like most of Bridgewell’s recent new homes, the Stocker Street house is a fully accessible single-family ranch with five bedrooms and an oversized garage to permit easy van access. The house is home to four individuals: Donald, Florence, Harry and Phyllis.

Program Director Joel Karakaedos and Florence (first photo below) were featured in this year’s Imagine the Possibilities Gala video. Click here to watch the video and learn about Florence’s experience with Bridgewell.

One of the homes special features is a state-of-the art fully accessible oversized tub, which includes a wheel-chair lift, a slow-filling thermal whirlpool tank, which allows staff to set the temperature and maintain a steady temperature for the entire bath. This is the first of several Bridgewell homes to receive this innovative tub to better accommodate the physical needs of the new residents.











Photos (clockwise):  Bridgewell Program Director Joel Karakaedos with Bridgewell Resident Florence. Bridgewell Residential Supervisor Kelli Hyland with Bridgewell Resident Phyllis. Bridgewell Direct Support Staff Member Kenny Perez shows Bridgewell CEO Bob Stearns and Board Member Ann Cohen the innovative tub. Bridgewell Chief Operating Officer Kelly Johnson with Bridgewell Resident Harry.

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