The Kelly J. Martin Center

Published: December 20, 2018


On December 20, the Boston Street Center was dedicated and renamed The Kelly J. Martin Center, in recognition of Kelly’s long-standing commitment to Bridgewell and the people in our services. Moving forward, the programs in that building will now be called: Bridgewell’s Kelly J. Martin Day Habilitation Program and Bridgewell’s Kelly J. Martin Employment Program.

Kelly began her career as a direct care professional at a residence for eight elderly people with developmental disabilities in Saugus. Being in college at the time, she found the work so meaningful that she changed her course of studies from computer science to social work. Starting working in the Saugus residence, Kelly’s career spanned 35 years culminating to CEO. She was a true visionary at Bridgewell and in the community.

“It was because of Kelly tireless efforts on behalf of the people in our services that Bridgewell is the organization it is today,” said Interim CEO Chris Tuttle. “We are lucky and grateful to have been the recipient of Kelly’s innovation, intelligence, leadership, creativity, passion, deep compassion and love.”

Lynn: Bridgewell Renames Their Boston Street Location, The Kelly J. Martin Center
Lynn Item, December 21, 2018

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