The Lynn Daily Item Visits Boston Street Center

Published: March 29, 2012


For the past few months, Bridgewell’s Boston Street Day Habilitation Center has been printing the Boston Street Herald. Each week, several individuals and staff review current events, write news articles and print the publication to be distributed around the Boston Street Center.

In late March, The Lynn Daily Item’s General Manager Phil Oulette and Reporter Chris Stevens provided journalism advice for the group and explained the newspaper business.

After Phil and Chris shared their experiences and what goes on at The Lynn Daily Item, the Bridgewell group asked questions and shared their experiences working on the Boston Street Herald.

Thank you to Phil and Chris for sharing their experiences and stopping by Boston Street!

The Boston Street Herald newspaper group pose for photos with their copies of The Lynn Daily Item!

Phil Oulette and Chris Stevens pose with Bridgewell Staff Member Amanda Tresback and a member of the newspaper group.

Everyone reading their copy of The Lynn Daily Item!

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