Thriving Through Connection: Bridgewell’s Homeless & Housing Services 

Published: May 12, 2021

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As the saying goes, most are happy to have a roof over their head and food on the table. Unfortunately, many in our community aren’t connected to those simple luxuries; from housing shortages, increased cost of living, and unemployment issues that are ever-present in our communities, which are deeply rooted causes of homelessness (among others). Of course, the pandemic made these complex issues even more difficult to contend with.  

Rewind the clock to March of 2020, when everyday life for people living in our residential homes changed dramatically. They were no longer able to participate in family visits, community activities, medical appointments, and day programs in person. The connection to those services was abruptly disrupted but needed to be amended quickly.  

Bridgewell shifted to technology solutions that assisted in connecting people with their loved ones, their peers, their day program routine, their medical team, and their community.  

With the support of Bridgewell’s IT Department, the shift in technology happened overnight in our residential homesTelevisions were utilized as smart TVs to connect to virtual program activities, cell phones and iPads were utilized to FaceTime families, and desktop computers were used to log into day programming activities and participate in telehealth appointments. Activities for residents were limited to outdoor open areas like nearby parks, beaches, trails, and drive-through events. 

“Being a resident in Bridgewell affordable housing for the last three years has brought so much support to my network,” said Courtney S. “Having the emotional and social support has allowed me to thrive through my journey thus far. I’m grateful every day for the team I have leaned on.” 

Technology has played a critical role in the continued success of the people like Courtney and others who we support every day in our affordable housing units. It has given Courtney and others the opportunity to stay connected to the people and things that mean the most to them. 

Despite our efforts, the work is not done. Connectivity to these services cannot be broken and the Bridgewell team is hard at work looking at additional technology services and supports to make that happen.  

This work can’t be done without your help. You can help connect people to services by considering a donation today at this link 


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