November 9, 2020 – Updated Visitation Guidelines

Published: November 9, 2020

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November 9, 2020

Dear Bridgewell Family Member and Guardians,

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Bridgewell has been extremely vigilant with its health and safety practices as we continue to navigate COVID-19. We realize that this has been challenging for all and it has been our goal to keep you informed and to share our practices.

Massachusetts is currently experiencing a surge in positive cases and Bridgewell is also experiencing an increase of cases among staff and individuals. Bridgewell was fortunate over the last few months to be COVID-free.

Since we are experiencing an increase in COVID cases we are making the difficult decision to change the current visitation policy effective Thursday, November 12th. While these changes may feel uncomfortable we feel it is necessary to ensure the health and safety of those we serve and the staff that work with our individuals every day.

Our new visitation guidelines are as follows:

  1. Any residential program in a red zone as determined by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be restricted from all visitations. Currently those cities and towns that impact Bridgewell: Lowell and Lynn.
  2. Any residential program not currently in a red zone but experiencing a COVID positive at the residence, shall be restricted from visitation for a 2 week period.
  3. For all other Bridgewell Residential Programs or once a program is no longer in a red zone visitation shall now be held on site at the residential program only. There will be no sharing of food during these visits. Visitations will take place in the designated area, limited to 2 visitors at a time, masks must be worn at all times and all other screening measures will be in place.
  4. If there are extraordinary circumstances please contact your Residential Manager.
  5. Bridgewell will reevaluate its visitation policy every week.

I know that the holiday season is right around the corner and the change in policy may feel restrictive. During this time we will continue to work with you to make sure that we continue to facilitate video or zoom visits. It is our goal and I am sure it is yours, to ensure that Bridgewell remain as free from COVID as possible. It is our hope that our routines will return to normal soon.

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the health and safety of all at Bridgewell.


Elaine M. White

Chief Operating Officer


Visitation Guidelines Letter 11 9 20

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