2017 Champion Award Recipient Tyler Blake

Published: March 16, 2017


Employees with Tyler Blake, 2017Award for Tyler Blake, 2017Bridgewell’s Employment Supports Team has awarded Tyler Blake of Gordon College the third annual Champion AwardCongratulations, Tyler! 

Pictured Left: Left to right: Julie, Carol, Champion Award Recipient Tyler Blake and Annette.

The award recognizes outstanding business partners of Bridgewell who help individuals with disabilities feel valued and appreciated as members of the workforce. The Gordon College partnership hosts up to five Bridgewell people with disabilities at a time. They work at the college book store each week, assisting with cleaning and maintenance of the store and adjoining cafeteria.

“Tyler has been an incredible partner for the past 10 years and has helped so many individuals with disabilities maintain jobs in the local community,” said Ashley Smallwood, Bridgewell Career Specialist. “His support has inspired our workers to reach their full potential by providing important contributions to the book store and helping them feel valued and respected.”

Pictured above: Left to right: Career Specialist Ashley Smallwood, COO & Interim CEO Kelly Martin, Career Specialist Marc Jamieson, Julie, Carlos, Champion Award Recipient Tyler Blake, Program Director Elizabeth Krumenacker, Employment Specialist Murvia Jean-Pierre, Annette and Day Services Supervisor Victoria Jasper.

To recognize and applaud the outstanding Community Business Partners that make the Employment Supports Program possible, Bridgewell created the Champion Award. This award is presented annually to one community business partner to recognize their contribution to helping individuals with disabilities be valued and appreciated members of the workforce. Honorees are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Community Business Partner – Nominee must be an employee of a contracted Community Business Partner or an employee of a company where an individual from the Employment Program is placed in an individual job placement. Bridgewell employees are not eligible.
  • Goes Above and Beyond – Nominee displays the desire to do more then what is generally required in a role and makes a very visible difference in the life of a person or our services.
  • Creates an Inclusive Environment – Nominee understands the importance of involving an individual served in the workplace culture and other social aspects of the workplace.

If you are interested in becoming a Community Business Partner, or to learn more about Bridgewell’s Employment Supports program, please contact Ashley Smallwood at 339-883-1757 or asmallwood@bridgewell.org.


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