Published: January 23, 2012
Categories: Family Engagement
Families of individuals with developmental disabilities are often confronted with so many challenges and roadblocks to connect their loved one with the services they need.
Bridgewell provides support and guidance for those families and individuals through transition services to help individuals “Turning 22,” who are leaving educational services and moving toward adult services.
Bridgewell feels that a continuum of care, adequate assessment of an individual’s needs and resources is the key to a successful transition to any community activity, day program, or community residential program – for individuals served and their family and guardians.
Sarah, pictured, moved into Bridgewell’s first medically intensive model home, which offers around-the-clock nursing, in Danvers, when she turned twenty-two years old.
Click here to learn more about Family Engagement events at Bridgewell.
This story was featured in our most recent Annual Report. Click here to view the full publication.