Autism Services – Parent Testimonial

Published: March 31, 2015

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Rosewood Parent: Cathy Johnson

Below is a snippet from a 2013 video. Connor was one of the first individuals to attend our Rosewood Drive program.

Update Since Filming:

“Eighteen months after we recorded that video, Connor continues to make great progress at Rosewood.  Bridgewell has expanded their autism program and recently opened Rosewood II, where Connor is now working at 3 job locations, and participating in activities which strengthen his skills in all areas of daily living.

Connor very recently moved into a Bridgewell group home for young men with autism, and he couldn’t be happier.  Bridgewell’s staff training and excellence in programs has made this recent transition possible. We are grateful that Connor has the opportunity to make this important step, which would not have been possible without Bridgewell’s commitment to individuals with Autism.”

Cathy Johnson is now a Bridgewell board member and a member of the Rosewood Parent Advisory Council.

Read more about Bridgewell’s Autism Services.

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