Bridgewell Attends the 2015 ADDP Annual Conference & Expo

Published: April 6, 2015

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Bridgewell was proud to sponsor the 2015 ADDP Annual Conference & Expo, which was held on March 27. In addition to being an event sponsor, several members of the Bridgewell community attended the conference.

Pictured Above: Keynote Speaker Tatyana McFadden, 2014 Sochi Paralympian Silver Ski Champion, poses with Bridgewell’s Kelly Pottie.

Members of the Bridgewell community were recognized with 2015 ADDP Conference Awards:

Dawn Donovan, Recipient of the Direct Support Professional Award

From her nomination: “Dawn naturally leads by example in the way that she approaches her work every day with compassion, kindness, understanding and, most importantly, how she always finds ways to laugh and have fun. This approach is infectious to her co-workers. Dawn’s ambition to expand her knowledge in the field, as well as the example that she sets for her colleagues, highlight her leadership qualities.” – Jamie Hershey, Bridgewell Program Director

The following Bridgewell individuals received honorable mention in their categories:

Joanne “JoJo” Evitts
Honorable Mention for  the ADDP Self-Determination Award

Kelly Pottie
Honorable Mention for the Marty Martini Award for Outstanding Leadership

Courtney Murphy
Honorable Mention for the Marty Martini Award for Outstanding Leadership

ADDP Conference 2015 (3)

Pictured above: Steadycare’s Pattie Marrin poses with Bridgewell Self Advocate JoJo and Assistant Director of Quality Assurance Kelli Hyland



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