Mark Murphy Honored at ADDP Conference

Published: March 27, 2014


Congratulations to Bridgewell’s Mark Murphy!

Mark was awarded the ADDP 2014 Human Services Professional Award at ADDP’s Annual Conference. Mark is pictured above with Bridgewell individual Eric, Residential Supervisor Melissa Bridges-Pata and Program Director Kristin Neidig, who nominated him for the award.

Since 1991, Mark has demonstrated his dedication to Bridgewell and its mission as an overnight and weekend staff member. His ability to tailor his services to each client makes him the favorite staff member at his program. Mark’s on-going display of trust, dignity and respect makes him worthy of the Human Services Professional Award.

Bridgewell Staff

Bridgewell staff attending the conference.

Skip Presenting Award
Bridgewell Self-Advocate Skip Marshall (right), received the Self Advocacy Award last year.
He took part in the presentation of the award this year.

Award Recipients
Congratulations to all the award recipients!

Click here to learn more about ADDP.

Photos Courtesy of ADDP.


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