Published: August 19, 2015
Categories: Events
Individuals from Bridgewell’s Lewis Street and Columbia Road residences, volunteered to help make re-useable bags to be donated to a local food pantry. These bags will be distributed at the pantry to help people carry their groceries home. Being re-useable, and will help the pantry save money.
Zoe, who has been very involved in Bridgewell’s Adult Recreation and Education program, came up with the project. Zoe has been working toward her Girl Scout Silver Award, which is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. This award shows leadership, organization, determination and dedication to improving the community – all of which was demonstrated through this re-useable bag project!
She came with the donated shirts, a detailed set of instructions with photos and showed everyone how to create these bags. Zoe explained the process to the individuals participating, showed them how to tie the knots and everyone helping was thrilled not only to participate, but also to help and give back to the community.
It was a wonderful opportunity to help Zoe achieve her Silver Award with all her assistance with the recreation program.
Great job to Zoe and the bag-making crew!