Cioffi Runs VT Marathon to Honor His Brother!

Published: April 17, 2012


We are pleased to announce Michael Cioffi is running the Vermont Marathon on behalf of Bridgewell!
Read a message from Micheal below about his brother and connection to our organization.

Sabino – a resident of the Bridgewell community – is 26 years of age and has Down Syndrome and Autism. To put it simply, Sabino is an amazing, energetic individual who is without a doubt, the life & heart of the Cioffi family – a true blessing. Sabino was verbal before age 6, but thereafter, complications arose and he took on symptoms for not being able to speak. But today, you would be surprised on how much Sabino can express with his actions, especially when demanding for his donuts and milk or getting you to play catch with him.

I myself – Sabino’s brother, Michael – am running the Vermont marathon on behalf of Sabino and his organization, Bridgewell. You can read more about the marathon at! Our  family has done walks for Sabino before for different events, but your gifts through this marathon charity donation will directly benefit Sabino and all his housemates/friends at his Bridgewell home in Saugus, MA.

We truly appreciate your donation and help towards this amazing cause, especially the growth and support of the special needs community. Bridgewell is a 501(c)3 organization and your gift will be 100% tax deductible.  Each donor will receive a written acknowledgement for the donation for tax purposes, as well as a follow up note to let you know how your gift was allocated in the upcoming months.

Thank you in advance for your support.


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