Colonial Ave Open House

Published: September 20, 2013


Early this September, Bridgewell held an open house for its newest residential program in Lynn. Bridgewell staff, family members, public officials, representatives from the Department of Developmental Services and neighbors stopped by to check out the new home.

The house is a fully accessible single-family ranch with five bedrooms and an oversized garage to permit easy van access. The structure has been designed to blend into a lovely neighborhood and is fitted out to meet a high level of medical and equipment needs.









Pictured, ClockwiseSteven, who was first to move into the program, poses for a photo. He’s lost more than 100 pounds since moving in to his new home.

Richardcenter in red, talks with Bridgewell staff at the open house.

Representative Donald Wong, pictured with Program Director Carolyn Brancato, stopped by to learn more about the program.

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