Family Forum: Life Transitions

Published: January 26, 2012


Family Forum: Life Transitions
Bridging Through Changing Needs

In November 2011, Bridgewell held a panel discussion with members of the Bridgewell community to help families and guardians understand the different life transitions an individual can go through.

The panel included Family Member Carol DrislaneMelrose Day Habilitation Program Director Lindsey Gant, MSW, Director of Residential Services Shirley Gosnear andBridgewell Resident Evelyn Mahoney.

The panel discussed the following:

  • Transitioning from a home, school, nursing facility to community day and residential services
  • Supporting and fostering the independence of individuals in Bridgewell services
  • Responding to the needs of individuals as they change over time
  • Components of successful partnership between families and Bridgewell

Bridgewell staff, family members and those interested in learning about Bridgewell attended to learn more transition services and working with Bridgewell. In addition, families and guardians had the opportunity to mingle and share their own personal experiences working with Bridgewell and transitioning their loved one from their home, a nursing facility or school to a Bridgewell home.

Bridgewell Director of Healthcare Jane Bell put together a list of resources for parents to take home with them including web links, news articles and blog entries.

Click here to download a packet of resources.

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