Published: March 20, 2020
Categories: Covid-19 Updates, News, Updates
From Bridgewell’s President & CEO
You hear everyone saying these are unprecedented times, and they are. It’s very unsettling for us all. But at Bridgewell, we continue to support the people we have the privilege of serving just as we did last month and last year. We have made adjustments, accommodations and taken extra precautions to follow the CDC’s and the Governor’s guidelines, but Bridgewell staff continues to provide consistency, comfort, and safety to the people in our services.
We often hear that we need to remember and thank hospital staff and first responders because they are on the front-lines, and we should thank them. But society also needs to remember the countless front-line staff who work in 24/7 residential programs, recovery programs, and mental health clinics.
These staff members are not working from home. They are leaving their families and the security of their homes to work and care for a population who needs them. These staff members are essential to the wellbeing of thousands. The majority of staff at Bridgewell are front-line, dedicated staff who are working tirelessly to ensure the individuals and families in Bridgewell services are well cared for.
It is during times like this that you see the best in humanity. Over this past week, I have seen the best of Bridgewell. I am incredibly proud of our community. Staff has stepped up and met this crisis head on while assuring that everyone is well cared for. So, when you come across a Bridgewell residential, clinical, or support staff please take a moment to thank them for their sacrifice and commitment.
With deep appreciation and gratitude to our almost 1400 employees.
– Chris Tuttle, President & CEO