Published: January 11, 2022
Categories: Covid-19 Updates, Updates
January 11, 2022
Dear Family Members and Guardians,
I hope you enjoyed the holiday season. I am sure you are aware that the nation is in the middle of a COVID-19 surge which is expected to last until February. This is not how any of us wanted to start 2022, but we are hopeful that this surge will pass quickly and our staff team continues to operate with extreme care and caution to reduce the impact of this surge in our programs. Bridgewell-operated clinics, day habilitation, residential, housing and recovery programs continue to follow the guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the MA Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS).
Across all Bridgewell programs, we continue to screen employees and visitors for COVID-19 symptoms and conduct daily body temperature testing of those we serve. Bridgewell staff are trained on the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies needed to mitigate the spread of any infection. All staff must wear a three-layer surgical mask at all times, and both employees and those we serve are encouraged to wash their hands frequently, with ample supplies of hand sanitizer available at all program sites and residences. We continue to disinfect our programs on a daily basis.
All Bridgewell programs are following CDC protocols for those who test positive for COVID-19 and close contacts. When an individual tests positive in one of our residences, we do our best to isolate them in their room for the required quarantine period. We also continue to conduct weekly surveillance testing of our residential staff. Visitation remains open in our residences, but we require screening before visitors may enter, and a three-layer surgical mask must be worn at all times during the visit. We ask that you please stay home if you are not feeling well, but our staff would be happy to connect you with your loved one via phone, Facetime, or Zoom.
Additionally, Bridgewell is complying with the OSHA vaccine mandate, requiring all Bridgewell staff members to be fully vaccinated by March. We have offered four on-site vaccination clinics to our staff and the people we serve, and we continue to provide opportunities for staff to get vaccinated and comply with the OSHA mandate.
Thank you for your patience and support as we work to operate our programs as safely as possible during this COVID-19 surge.
Elaine M. White
Chief Operating Officer