Published: June 29, 2022
Categories: Covid-19 Updates, News
June 28, 2022
Dear Family Members, Guardians and Staff,
On July 1, 2022, the requirements for masking and testing for COVID-19 will be changing at Bridgewell. These changes are based on the guidance issued by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS), and Bridgewell has updated its COVID-19 plan to reflect these changes. A summary of the changes that will go into effect on July 1, 2022 are listed below.
Residential Programs, Individual Supports and Housing
Masks are optional for all staff and participants, regardless of vaccination status.
Day Habilitation Programs and Adult Day Treatment
Masks are optional for participants, and required for staff while working at the program. This includes staff in Employment and Community Based Day Supports (CBDS) programs located within a Day Habilitation Program.
Dearborn Employment Program
Masks are optional for all staff and participants, regardless of vaccination status.
Transportation Department – HST Transportation Only
Drivers and monitors must wear masks when transporting or assisting riders. Riders must wear masks unless they are unable due to a clinical condition or disability.
Weekly surveillance testing is recommended, but optional for all staff and people served at Bridgewell operated programs. Bridgewell will provide programs with Abbott BinaxNOW Rapid point of care tests for testing purposes. Testing is mandatory in certain instances; please refer to the COVID-19 plan for reference. Bridgewell will follow the recommended CDC guidance for confirmed and suspected cases of COVID-19 as well as for cleaning and disinfecting.
We ask that all visitors to Bridgewell program locations self-screen for COVID-19. Visitors with symptoms of COVID-19 or those who have had a close contact with someone with COVID-19 (regardless of vaccination status) in the prior five days will not be permitted to enter. If a visitor has had an exposure to or diagnosis of COVID-19 in the prior 10 days, they may enter and wear a mask during the visit.
A complete copy of the COVID-19 plan is available at our Bridgewell headquarters and at each Bridgewell program location.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to update our guidance. Our goal is to be mindful and to keep everyone safe.
Elaine M. White
Chief Operating Officer