June is National Safety Month!

Published: June 12, 2018


A Message from Bridgewell’s Safety Specialist Hannah Gawrys

Here at Bridgewell while we practice safety every month, we also like to celebrate National Safety Awareness Month during the month of June!

The Safety Committee is composed of both management and non-management staff that meet monthly to discuss safety concerns at Bridgewell. Those on the Safety Committee represent all business areas of the agency, including but not limited to, residential services, day services, affordable housing, clinics, transportation and administration. Members are responsible for identifying areas of risk, developing the annual Safety Training Calendar, and ensuring Bridgewell compliance to safety standards.

In its second year, the Safety Committee holds an Annual Safety Challenge during National Safety Awareness Month where we ask programs to demonstrate what safety means to them. In the past submissions have included a video, painted pictures, games, stories, quotes and more!

Bridgewell’s Safety Committee has picked summer related topics to look at and go over during the month of June. Review these fact sheets:

Beat the Heat

Grill Safety

Summer Power Outages

Keep an eye out so you can practice and participate in National Safety Awareness Month with us!

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