Published: July 26, 2018
Categories: News
Bridgewell is a partner in the Lynn Continuum of Care, a collaboration of agencies serving Lynn residents who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. As part of our annual funding process, we will be participating in a community review of questions HUD has included in the application. These questions address how we work together to identify and address the needs of this population.
Access the Consolidated Application Here
Access the CoC Application Here
On Wednesday, August 1, 2018, the Lynn Continuum of Care invites interested agencies to participate in this process by providing feedback on the questions in the linked above Consolidated Application. The meeting will be held at 10 Church Street in Lynn, at the LHAND main office. We will begin at 9:30 and hope to be finished by 12:30.
Access the Reallocation Policy, Ranking Policy and Ranking Tool Here
Please review the linked above Reallocation Policy, Ranking Policy and Ranking Tool. These have been developed in partnership with the Executive Committee and a member of the Ranking Committee as part of the annual policy review and to allow the Ranking Committee to undertake its tasks related to the FY18 NOFA.
Please review each of these and vote to either accept or reject these no later than Thursday, August 09, 2018 at 5:00 pm.
2018 HUD LCoC NOFA Ranking Policy
R and R Tool 2018 FINAL Reallocation Policy and Procedure 2018 Final
Request for Proposals LCoC 071618 rev 072318
These documents will also be available on the LHAND website
If you have difficulty opening the files, please contact Karen Byron at 781.405.9009 or email me at