Published: October 30, 2014
Categories: Events
This week, Bridgewell held an open house at our new day habilitation center in Stoneham! Bridgewell employees, board members, friends, families, neighbors and public figures toured the new facility and learned more about the program.
The new Maple Street Day Habilitation Center replaced the Melrose and Medford day habilitation centers, and now serves more than 75 people with a support team of 25 staff members.
Pictured: Senator Lewis with Director of Clinical Services Sue Craven, COO Kelly Johnson, Day Services Supervisor Victoria Jasper, Director of Day and Residential Services Nancy Marticio and Board Member Cathy Johnson.
In addition to day-to-day staff, a four person clinical team consisting of physical and occupational therapists and specialized staff focus on unique issues such as speech, eating and swallowing issues and behavior. The building includes an indoor walking loop to promote fitness. The space includes wide hallways, doorways and a designated outdoor area to increase safety and accessibility. Other technology onsite includes SMART Boards, an Apple TV, a Wii and iPads.
All the day habilitation rooms have specific purposes such as sensory integration, fitness, media and relaxation. The space has many special features that make the building accessible to all who receive services including a kitchen with an area for dining, which will be great social and educational events. Please note that the program is also accepting referrals.