May 7 – Phone Script from COO

Published: May 8, 2020

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Hello Bridgewell Parents & Guardians. I am Elaine White, Chief Operating Officer and today is Thursday, May 7.

As of this morning, we have 41 staff and 31 people in our services currently positive with COVID-19. These numbers continue to fluctuate daily as new test results come in and people finish their 14 day quarantine. I anticipate we will continue to have these kinds of peaks and valleys over the next few weeks.

The North Shore Area Office of the Department of Developmental Services wanted to recognize the front line staff who show up for work every day. On Tuesday they did a drive-by parade to all the DDS group homes in Peabody to show their appreciation. Based on the photos, the people in our homes enjoyed the experience and the parade. The photos will be on social media later this week.

The next recording will be posted on Monday, May 11 by noon. Be well.

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