Meet Rachelle

Published: May 1, 2013


Through Bridgewell's Employment Supports program, individuals with developmental disabilities work at businesses throughout the North Shore community. Rachelle has been employed at Petco in Peabody since 2009, where she cleans and stocks shelves. Rachelle is very proud of her job. Her positive attitude and willingness to help out with whatever needs to be done is very much appreciated by the store manager.

Rachel - Cover

Rachelle's hard was work at Petco was highlighted by The Connector, a quarterly publication for North Shore nonprofits with a circulation of more than 55,000. To celebrate her fame in print, Rachel took a break from work and hosted a signing party, where she autographed copies of the article while refreshments were served.

Going forward, Rachel's goal is to add one more day to her weekly Petco work schedule.

Click here to read about Rachelle in The Connector.

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