Senator Clark Received ADDP&#39s Legislator of the Year Award

Published: January 28, 2013


On January 22, Bridgewell President & CEO Bob Stearns presented Senator Katherine Clark with ADDP's 2013 Legislator of the Year award at the ADDP Legislative Luncheon. Senator Clark was honored in recognition of her consistent support for community services enabling people with disabilities to be able to live in their home communities.

Left to Right:
ADDP’s President & CEO Gary Blumenthal, Bob Stearns, Senator Katherine Clark, Bridgewell Clinical Director of Day Services Sue Craven and Massachusetts Families Organizing for Change's Susan Nadworny.

Click here for more photos from ADDP.

Senator Clark’s Support:

  • Senator Clark has made numerous contributions to best position those of us who work in the disabilities field and as an advocate for those with disabilities. She was first elected in 2008 to represent Melrose and Wakefield in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, she is now in her second term as Senator.
  • She has been instrumental in strengthening the joint Department of Education and Department of Developmental Services program that enables students with disabilities to live with their families in their home communities.
  • She has also been a strong supporter of preserving sufficient transportation funding in community disability programs to ensure that people with disabilities are able to make independent life choices by participating in day and employment activities, and have access to medical appointments, family visits and recreational activities.

Senator Clark’s door is always open to people with disabilities, their families and to we who work hard to provide them with supports and services. We are very fortunate to have Senator Clark in our court as we continue to face state and federal funding challenges, and truly grateful for her past and future contributions to those with disabilities.

Congratulations, Senator Clark! Thank you for all you do!

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