The Sovner Center is Moving

Published: August 15, 2011


Summer 2011

The Sovner Center, a Bridgewell program, is an outpatient mental health clinic that specializes in the provision of counseling services, psychiatric assessment, medication management and psychotherapy services to adults with a dual diagnosis of developmental and psychiatric disability. The Sovner Center is moving to a larger location, which will better accommodate the increased number of individuals we serve.

The new address will be:
125 Liberty Street, 2nd Floor
Danvers, MA 01923

The phone number will stay the same: 978-750-6828

The move is scheduled for the end of September and will be up and running the same week.

Any questions or comments, please contact Kim Haley at The Sovner Center at

Directions to the new location:

From Route 128 North
Take Exit 22 West toward Middleton. After coming off the exit, continue straight ahead, through the set of lights, to remain on Liberty Street.

From Route 1 North
Take Route 62 toward Beverly. Continue approx. 3 miles on Route 62 until you go under Route 128 and come to a set of lights. Take a right onto Liberty Street.

The Sovner Center will be on the right.

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