Special Olympics: Take the PLUNGE!

Published: February 10, 2015


Save the Date!
February 28, 2015
Revere Beach

The weather on February 28th could very well be exactly as it is today – perfect for a dip in the lovely Atlantic Ocean! What better time to try on your favorite swimsuit than in February?

Pictured above: 2014 Bridgewell’s Polar Plunge team

Team Bridgewell will once again be participating in Special Olympics MA annual Polar Plunge Fundraiser!  All money raised by participants who Plunge for Team Bridgewell will be directly credited to our Special Olympics Track and Field Team!

The Polar Plunge is something everyone should do at least once in his or her lifetime.  It is something to cross off your bucket list while raising money for a great cause. Too afraid of the ice cold water?  You can donate to the cause and watch the brave from the “chicken coop.”

Click here to visit Team Bridgewell’s Page!

Register as a plunger or consider making a secure, tax deductible, on-line donation!

Thank you!

For more information, contact:

Kelli Hyland, MSMHC/MSCJ
Special Olympics Coordinator, Assistant Director of Quality Assurance, Self-Advocacy Facilitator

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