More Bundles of Hope

Published: May 25, 2022

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As part of an ongoing partnership since August 2021, a small group of women from Bridgewell’s Women’s Program, Johnson Street, work with local artist Mary Flannery at her studio, Great Art Studio in Lynn, engaging in art therapy sessions. After completing the six-week program and expressing themselves through their art, the women host a small private art show to share their stories and the impact the program has had on them.

During the art therapy sessions, each artist created a “bundle of hope” to bring with them and display in their new home once they complete treatment at Women’s Program, Johnson Street. Each “Bundle of Hope” includes written and painted reminders of why they are working to overcome addiction. This artwork will serve as a reminder of their art therapy sessions and experience with Great Art Studio as well as Bridgewell’s Women’s Program, Johnson Street.

This partnership has been supported through private funding and donors from the Lynn area – thank you all!

If you’d like to support this program, click here and add Bundle of Hope in the comment box.

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